Many years ago I learnt through tragedy and triumph the one thing in life you can not fight is change.  It is apart of our very existence, it makes us who we are today.  And the only thing in this life you have control over is ‘ATTITUDE”.

The past 4 years for me personally has been a transition period after the loss my amazing Husband Gary. Gary was my world, support and strength, my everything.  After his sudden passing and then my beautiful Fathers 6 months later I made a decision not to make any changes to my life until it felt right. This decision was not something that came easy by far with the direction I would take. It was about waiting, going with the flow and following my intuition until it all started to piece together so perfect with each step I took along the way.

The country life is now calling and I will be relocating to the Riverina District in November. I have found a beautiful peaceful place to call my home in the hills over Wagga.

As I have said before I will work with Spirit until the day I die.  2015 brings so many new exciting beginnings ahead with the opening of my own office in Wagga where I will conduct Readings, run my DevelopmentSchool from my passion) and along with anything else Spirit has install.  I am looking forward to connecting to the many likeminded souls in the Riverina District with the new beginnings ahead.

For all my beautiful clients in Sydney please do not think you’re forgotten I will keep you posted as I organise how you can still have Readings with me. I will be doing a lot of travelling with my work and I will keep you up to date with any Festivals and Fairs I am Reading at along with Platform Demonstrations and Workshops I will be running for future events once I am settled in my new location

The next 12 months is going to be a huge as I will also have the privilege studying under the amazing Lisa Williams as I train an intense 9 months with her along with travelling to the US at the end of 2015 as I follow my dream in becoming a Certified Master Teacher for LWISSD.

Looking forward to the new beginnings in my life and embracing change with all of my heart. As when it feels right you never look back but grow from all that was and will be.

Love and Light

Kerry xxx

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