April 2014

017What amazing journey this year has been so far in my development with Spirit.  Since January I have been expanding my ability studying under a women that I have admired and respected for many years even before my world opened up in this field, the one and only internationally renown Lisa Williams.  The past 3 months there has been a lot of study and  dedication to achieve completing Lisa’s courses in Advanced Psychic and Advanced Mediumship. Talk about pushing boundaries to say the least.  It was an amazing experience and one I am so privileged to have been chosen to do.
I also had the pleasure while Lisa was still in Sydney completing a one day workshop in Platform with her.  That evening after the Platform Workshop Lisa handpicked 5 students out of the 30 who attended to be with her on stage to do Platform Presentation.  It was utmost honour and pleasure to have been chosen and take centre  stage at Camden Civic Centre last Wednesday Night in front of 300 people.
Thank you for all that attended and who sent me such beautiful messages, it touches my heart the kindness shown.015


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